Careers From Graduate Schools Of Health And Medicine


Careers From Graduate Schools Of Health And Medicine

There are many fields of jobs available to graduates with degrees in the sciences. Those with degrees in the fields of business, law and engineering often find that they have choices for their career advancement and salaries. The graduate programs associated with these fields offer degrees in a wide range of concentrations. The salary for graduates is also usually very high.

Business and law professionals with a bachelor’s degree often advance to management and upper level positions in government, corporations or nonprofit organizations. The same holds true for engineers who can get promoted to positions of higher pay in the private sector or government. Science majors often find employment in research and development jobs and environmental consulting. The earning potential in these types of careers holds true for social science students as well.

Many careers in the social sciences require advanced degrees in order to qualify. Psychology and sociology majors often require master’s degrees in order to compete for available jobs and keep them. Business and law students will need to go on to earn doctorate degrees if they want to pursue careers such as political science, public administration or business administration.

Careers in law and business often require advanced degrees, especially when students choose to work on judicial clerks or attorneys. Careers in law often require a master’s degree in order to compete for entry-level positions in the field. The same holds true for business and administration. Positions in scientific research will also require advanced degrees. The median salary for graduates in these fields is about a decade and a half, but the more prestigious jobs such as professor positions in scientific advisory panels will likely lead to higher salaries.

The final type of career from a graduate program in the sciences requires a doctoral degree. Careers in this field tend to lead to very competitive salaries because it takes a long time to gain employment in a research position, so those with advanced degrees often have a foot in the door sooner rather than later. The typical time it takes for doctoral degree recipients to find a position is five to ten years, although some positions may be available to graduate science students earlier in their careers.

Careers in public health, social work and psychology are all examples of careers that do not require a Ph.D. In fact, for many careers in these types of fields, a Master’s degree is not even required, as most positions can be performed by those with a high school education or even a GED. In some cases, however, individuals with advanced degrees will find that obtaining specific certifications help to further enhance their chances for employment. For example, psychologists must pass an exam to become certified in clinical psychology before they can start practicing legally in many states.